
Elliott smith either or meaning
Elliott smith either or meaning

elliott smith either or meaning

Nothing else in the song casts her as dim. Is the “someone half as smart” the Baby Britain Smith is singing to? If you read it that way, the entire song is a kiss off or a put down.

elliott smith either or meaning elliott smith either or meaning

I’ve always adored the puzzle of the chorus – two incomplete thoughts that change the lens of the rest of the song depending on how you read them. All that cheer is the good humor of someone halfway through the evening’s bottle of vodka it won’t last until the bottom, and she’ll need another the next day to recover. (This is one of Smith’s singular talents.) It’s a song for a friend in a downward spiral – one Smith recognizes but doesn’t know how to steer out of. The song is so relentlessly cheerful and major key that it takes several listens before you realize how tragic it is. It helps that it straight up nicks the tiny, high guitar stabs from “Getting Better.” While “Baby Britain” doesn’t necessarily call back to that song, there’s an unmistakably 70s McCartney vibe to the bounciest of Smith’s songs from XO (which namechecks Revolver in its third verse). Perhaps it’s a genetic disposition towards anything reminiscent of “Penny Lane.” There is something about a song that starts abruptly with a vocal and clanging piano chords that makes me love it. While the quaver of Smith’s voice and his delicate songs of defeat would worm their way into my brain over time, but it was when I hit track four that I knew I was in love with this album.

elliott smith either or meaning

I first heard them both from the same source – my friend Anastasia, whose musical taste subsumed my own for a few months that year, transforming it completely for the rest of my life. If picking up the Built to Spill record in February of 1999 was a crack in my dam, Elliott Smith’s XO was the flood that followed.Rarely in my life have I been so sucker-punched by a record as I was by XO, released the prior August. Aside from Tom Petty’s Greatest Hits and the requisite Nevermind and Unplugged, I had nary a dude in my collection. The sound of the male voice didn’t please me, even if their songs weren’t of the dull “get the girl” variety. At the time, I didn’t even have the excuse of being a musical artist who was wielding judgement and harboring jealousy when it came to my male peers. My 90s record collection was like a personal Affirmative Action policy on music. A long, long time ago, I wrote about how Built To Spill’s Keep It Like a Secret was the first crack in the dam I had constructed against enjoying music performed by men.

Elliott smith either or meaning